Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wikipedia Founder Releases Ducks at Conference

(2-5-09) - Not to be outdone by Bill Gates releasing mosquitoes during his presentation, Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales released a flock of ducks he claimed were carrying the Avian Flu at the same conference.

By releasing the mosquitoes, Gates said he was trying to increase awareness among some of the world's wealthiest of the deadly disease of malaria. "None of the mosquitoes were carrying malaria," he said, "but I hope that what I did makes people pay more attention."

Wales said he had planned on releasing the birds well before the conference started. "Bill's little stunt stole my thunder," he said. "Because of those mosquitoes, people didn't take the correct preventive measures against my ducks."

Important measures, he said, because the ducks really were carrying the Avian Flu.

"After Bill said that his mosquitoes were malaria-free, no one believed me when I started screaming: PUT ON THE MASKS I'VE TAPED UNDER YOUR SEATS, AND WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T TAKE THEM HOME TO EAT!"

Conference organizers say that no one attending the conference has reported being sick. They are still concerned, however, noting that two of the ducks have not been recovered. "I feel bad for those poor ducks," a conference organizer said. "I really hope they just wanted them as some sort of strange celebrity pet, and not, you know, for cooking."

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